What We Do
What We Do
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT offers a better understanding of cognition and how thought patterns can lead to distress, maladaptive behaviors and mental illness. It provides people with tools to identify and adapt thoughts for improved mood.
CBT has a reputation for being one of the best evidence-based practices available. It is well known for its efficacy and short-term, goal-oriented approach.
Counseling sessions are a collaborative process between client and counselor with ongoing homework recommended.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach, developed by Francine Shapiro that has been widely researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR has helped millions of people of all ages relieve many types of psychological stress.
According to Shapiro, when a traumatic or distressing experience occurs, it may overwhelm normal coping mechanisms. The memory and associated stimuli are inadequately processed and stored in an isolated memory network. The goal of EMDR is to process completely the experiences that are causing problems. Processing does not mean talking about it. It means setting up a learning state that will allow experiences that are causing problems to be "digested" and stored appropriately in your brain.
The goal of EMDR is to leave with the emotions, understanding, and perspectives that will lead to healty and useful behaviors and interactions.

Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness has been integrated in a variety of ways with traditional psychology and CBT to enhance their efficacy and foster greater psychological flexibility. It is a technique based on Buddhist meditation practices called Vipassana. Using a regular seated meditation to grow a heightened state of sensory awareness, a person observes activity of the mind and body.
One can begin to develop an unconditional acceptance of the present moment and create space between thoughts and reality. Practitioners describe benefits of emotion regulation and sharpness of mind.

ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
Working with CBT and Mindfulness since the start of our practice, it was logical for us to train in ACT.
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an action-oriented and playful approach to psychotherapy that stems from traditional cognitive and behavioral therapy.
Clients learn to stop avoiding, denying, and struggling with their inner emotions and, instead, accept that these deeper feelings are appropriate responses to certain situations that should not prevent them from moving forward in their lives.
With this understanding, clients begin to accept their issues and hardships and commit to making necessary changes in their behavior, regardless of what is going on in their lives, and how they feel about it.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT uses a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been referred to as acupuncture without the needles. By tapping on acupressure points, the client activates energy channels while talking with the counselor about any particular area of mental or physical distress.
It is based on the idea that negative emotions or experiences can get stored in the body via memory or patterning, creating chronic physical pain, disease or persistent mental health issues. The talking and NLP aspects allows for unhelpful narratives and memories to arise and be cleared.
EFT gently and effectively releases blockages, allowing for a greater ability to heal and feel differently.

Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology is the study of those strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. They want to cultivate what is best within themselves in order to enhance their experience of love, work, and play.
Positive Psychology postulates that psychology has historically focused its efforts on mental health problems and how to resolve them. There was little talk about what made life worth living.
Positive Psychology proposes to correct this imbalance by focusing on one's attributes and resilience in order to build on the best things in life while repairing or healing from the worst.
F O C U S Thérapie | Tel (33) 06 34 31 99 54 | valerie@focustherapie.com | Lille | Paris | Hong Kong